10 Benefits of Android App Development For Your Business
With the advanced technological developments, computing devices have changed the scenario of the world. Mobility is a fundamental factor for every digital company. numerous platforms are offering easy accessibility for Windows, iOS, Android, and other OS. With this high-tech mobile computing, devices like tablets and smartphones, businesses have viewed novel possibilities regarding sales and audience. Online businesses are trying to go beyond the mobile-friendly website and offering Android app development. Thus, Android applications are winning compared to other mobile OS platforms.
According to the latest survey, Android has the market survey of more than 82%, in regards to the smartphone market. More than one billion users are using mobiles that are powered by this OS. This vast market provides many business opportunities. However, if the business is leveraging on an Android app to earn profits, the services of it development company is needed.
In general, Android is an open source and free platform which uses Linux program, which provides the following benefits.
1.Open Source
Most of the business prefer Android, as it is one of the significant open source platforms. There is no requirement to pay the amount for licenses or other charges. Businesses need not pay for sovereignty over authorizing and still have access to an OS which is portable.
Businesses run on any Android device which gives different choices if a user buys it. Software developers can communicate with the Android developers for updated versions to incorporate their app in development plans. This benefit makes Android a profitable one for companies, wireless operators and device manufacturers similarly bringing in quick development in applications.
2.Customized User Interface
This is the means by which the user can interact with the computer system, in regards to software and input devices. It can either build or break the app. These apps are better customized and easy to manage.
Before Android, it was iOS which runs the show, but now Android is considered as the most massive marketplace. Google is primarily focusing on developing its UI to help developers in creating Custom Android apps for their businesses.
As it is an open source, it permits developers to adapt their innovative ideas into facts and build creative and interactive apps. It provides various ranges of customization possibilities. Even the multimedia tools and data management functionalities can be quickly updated to the application.
3.High ROI with Low Investment
The significant variations in app development are self-portraying. Android development offers a low cost with an excellent team experience and with expert professionals. It provides a free software development kit to its developers and minimizes the development costs.
Moreover, the developments can be divided into three parts: development, deployment, and testing. However, developers can purchase application distribution by paying a one-time registration fee. After that, they can use it on any computer device for building and testing the services on their Android smartphones.
This assures low investment and maximizing the engagement among different users. Finally, users can take the interactive app and the business gains a higher ROI. The more people are pleased with the services and product, the more the demand will grow.
4.Various Sales Channels
Compared to other mobile applications, Android can be used in various ways. Businesses need not depend on the single market for distributing the Android application. Besides, create own sales and distribution channels using other-third party app like Google play store. Business can build the apps and publish them. With promotional strategy, a business can target their end users with various channels.
5.Hardware requirements
Android applications run on Java programme which uses a vast set of libraries. Anyone who knows Java can create Android applications quickly and easily. According to a survey, many Java programmers are finding it easy to code apps for Android compared to other programming languages. Android apps make it easy to enter into the market without any stringent approvals. So finding its place in the market is shorter.
6.Brand Recognition
The essential feature of a mobile app is that it provides brand awareness and interaction to its consumers. Through regular communication with the selected market, businesses are encouraging reliability. The sales for the business increases when the audiences rely upon those apps. With the Android app, businesses demonstrate their users about the product and tell why the customers should trust them. Business shows their customers about what their brand is all about. However, mobile apps build a brand and educate them.
7.Tools, design and developer rates
Android is suitable and runs on Mac or Windows. Therefore many companies depend on Android app development. Even the Android developers get their payscales little lower, compared to iOS. Android app is developed at a cheaper price. Designing the material is an attractive feature in Android apps. However, there are lesser strict rules on Android platform which makes businesses to leap into.
8.Testing of Android app
There were fragmentation issues on Android platform which leads to paying a higher cost for testing. But with the recent changes in virtual and cloud-based testing, it made ease of life for Android developers. Another advantage of Android is its minimum cost when compared to iOS devices. This makes Android development companies invest in emulators/simulators for accurate testing devices.
9.Value to Customers
Business is all about exchange. Businesses go with their product and customers pays the cash if they are interested. More customer interaction about the business product brings more points wherein business can use it for great offers and deals. Interested customers interact on any channel and know about the product. By discussing the issues and needs at important conversion points, companies can turn more visitors into delighted customers throughout the sales process.
10.Installing Custom ROMs
Apps performance and appearance can be changed by installing custom ROMs. Custom ROMs are generally available for smartwatches, phone, media players, tablets. There is a flexibility of customizing these Android devices, with ROMs to suit the business needs and models. Most ROMs are free as core developers develop them as a hobby. Such ROMs bring changes to mobile applications and can leverage the benefits to the businesses.
In recent years, digitalization has proved to create a revolution across the world and defined the economic future. Technology is coming up daily with new opportunities by delivering various benefits to business. With the Android app, reaching a large number of audiences, promoting an app, and maximizing the market presence has become more natural. The official place for Android app is Google Play. Developers can launch but they also have the flexibility of using third-party software. Analyzing the above-said advantages, businesses can say that an Android app is the best platform to boost revenue and increase the number of customers.
Source: https://infobeat.com/10-benefits-of-android-app-development-for-your-business/